1. Choose your desired product from our website www.wibi.com.kw.
  2. Enter the coupon code and use it at the check out page.
  3. The amount will be deducted from your total cart value.
  4. Proceed to payments to confirm your order.

  1. Visit www.wibi.com.kw to choose the desired product.
  2. Use discount Code at checkout page to get instant KD 3/- discount from purchase.
  3. The Unique codes are valid until 11th August 2022.
  4. There can be only one code / voucher valid per order.
  5. Vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  6. Vouchers cannot be combined with other offers and promotions.
  7. Shipping & Handling Charges shall apply.
  8. For Store Pickup, Items can be picked up from the address: Floor 1, Hessa Al-Hajeri Complex, Ibn Khaldoun Street, Hawally, Kuwait.
  9. This promotion is not valid for HP Consumables including Ink Cartridges & Toners & Office Stationery & Digital Cards
  10. For any concerns related to the voucher, customers can write to the customer support department at support@wibi.com.kw or Call Hotline @ 1800053.
  11. WiBi - Want IT. Buy IT. reserves the right to withdraw, modify or amend any offer at its own discretion.
  12. Ministry License Number : 2205108213